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Friday, May 27, 2011

My Cat Made Me Cry

It is true. I am not sure if this should be ranked as embarrassing and pathetic or as sensitive and fragile. Mainly because I am not sure which of the aforementioned categories I actually belong to. 

I never thought that I could be so much moved and annoyed simultaneously. I am not sure which of these feelings dominated the other or which was the actual ignition for my tears. Nevertheless, I cried. I cried like I haven't cried - or allowed myself to cry to be more specific - in ages. 

In fact, I am lying. Not too many weeks ago I cried endlessly. But it had been a long time before that time since I had cried. And this is the truth.

I used to cry effortlessly before. Now it takes tons of problems, a huge amount of stress and exaggerated emotional wounds to topple one over the other to make me cry. And they are never the direct reason for the flow of tears. It is always another irrelevant yet significant incident that gets me going. 
My cat is in deep agony. She is a fantastic cat, but like any cat, she has reached that period where she needs to mate, and it is torturing her so much that she is spreading her anguish all over the place. It is distressing us all. We haven't slept in a week. We are kept awake by her constant never-ending mewing, if that is what it is called, because I am pretty sure there is another word for the horrible sounds she is making while she turns on her back and starts rolling around. She is growling, she is hissing, she is shrieking, she is screaming. 

Tonight, I was alone with her. I begged her to stop it, to shut up just for five minutes so I could catch up a bit on my sleep, to do me the favor of going back to being a "minor" cat that is just fuzzy and cuddly; she just wouldn't. She kept looking at me with those big passionate cuddly eyes while rolling over herself under my feet. I am not sure what was the first thought that came into my mind that second, but it was followed by a quick bunch of other frustrating thoughts, and all of a sudden I felt deeply depressed and tears came down flowing over my face. 

Yasmina - my cat - understood. Don't ask me how, don't ask me why, because I am anything but a cat expert. She just did. She stopped all the sounds and all the movements. She climbed up next to me, tuned around me cuddling my back, sat on my left, and she looked at me with the most understanding look ever, a look so piercing with sympathy and perception like you couldn't believe. She started caressing my hand with her paws. Yes, my cat cuddles me just like I cuddle her. It was her apology to me. And I accepted it with a wide open heart. 

Don't you dare laugh at me. This is an absolutely true story. You could always ask Yasmina if you don't believe me. You probably should actually; the communication I experienced with this tiny beautiful cat tonight was far beyond any I have had with another human being in quite a while now.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Trap

I haven't made an entry in here in a week or so. The reason for this is that I wanted to wait until I found something cheerful to talk about, because my last article was so melancholic. But alas, the week has passed, and nothing good ever came out of it.

I so desperately wanted to retrieve the mood I was in when I wrote the Musical. But it is just not happening. I wake up every morning with the hope of hearing some good news, any good news, but none reaches my ears.

I am even asking if the plumber came and fixed the water problem, because if he did, that would be considered good news, although I don't live where the water is running and I never will.

Work sucks. I am not even officially working actually. I am taking petty jobs that I despise just for the money.
Money. Humanity's tormenter. I hate it. I love it. I have the same relationship with it as everybody else basically. I love it when I have it. I crave it when I don't, which leads me to hate it at those times. 

Now is one of those times.

Now is one of those times when I wake up in the morning craving a purpose, lusting for something to do, for people to meet, for conflicts to arise in my life, for challenges to step up to.

Now is one of those times when I simply can't understand what is happening and can't figure out what is about to happen either.

Now is one of those times when anything could go either way; I can make a mountain of grieves over nothing, and I can also look the other way over serious stuff.

Now is one of those times when I feel useless, when I feel powerless, but when I feel beautiful.

Beautiful because now I have all the time in the world to make myself beautiful. Because I wake up to no schedule, no perspectives, no special people, no specific plans, no nothing. Because make up seems a good activity when you have stopped eating, stopped reading and stopped thinking.

Thinking creeps up on me in the evenings though, and it doesn't leave me alone until I have surrendered to the ugly dreams I am having.

I miss the time when I used to dream of random stuff. All I have been dreaming about lately - and that is a considerable while - are cats, mice and yes, cockroaches.

I am being haunted in my sleep.

I am being haunted by being so careless about my cat. I am neglecting her, and it is torturing me in my sleep.

I am being haunted by cockroaches because I hate their guts. They disgust me to the core.

I am not sure what the mice are about though.

I could truly use a change of scene. I am so bored in here. I so deeply wish I could wake up somewhere where I can see new faces, unknown people. I so desperately wish to overhear a conversation and not be able to grasp a word of it.

I am so sick of people in here, of their dull faces and their meaningless stories.

Maybe people everywhere are like that, true, but, at least they will sound, look and feel new and fresh for a while at least. That would be a very welcome change.

I need to be away for a while in order for me to be able to handle the fact of simply seeing, let alone talking or interacting with the people around me.

In hope that the next entry would be a little less grim, I bid you farewell.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

People In My Life, Forgive Me

People in my life, you deserve an apology.
People in my life, forgive me.

Forgive me for I have sinned.
Forgive me for I have lost my mind at times.
Forgive me for I haven't been totally honest with you.
Forgive me for I got scared.
Forgive me for I lost control.
For I gave in to an outburst.
For I got you entangled in my misery.
Forgive me for I am miserable.
Forgive me for I sometimes wipe my fake smile away.
For I use you.
For I abuse you.
Forgive me for I felt sorry for myself.
Forgive me for I have claimed innocence.
Forgive me for I cried.
For I lied.
For I was lied to.
For I took advantage of you.
For I let you take advantage of me.
Forgive me for I am weak.
For I am weaker than you.
Forgive me for my impatience.
Forgive me for my hastiness.
Forgive me for my ego.
For my vanity.
For my shallowness.
Forgive me for I have been selfish.
For I took it to extreme levels.
For I believed.
For I got deceived.
Forgive me for I was obnoxious.
Forgive me for I have treated you wrongly.
For I have let you treat me so.
Forgive me for the nostalgia I feed on.
Forgive me for my routine.
Forgive me for my dullness.
Forgive me for my security.
Forgive me for my self confidence.
Forgive me for my lack of confidence.
Forgive me for I seemed strong.
For I was not.
Forgive me for I let myself shatter.
Forgive me for I have let you shatter me.
Forgive me for my ambitions.
For my talent.
For my faults.
For my stubbornness.

Forgive me for I have sinned.

Forgive me for last night, for I was lost and now am found.

Forgive me for using biblical terms.
Forgive me for I have lost my faith.
Forgive me for I have problems.
For my trouble.
For yours.

Forgive me for my denial.
Forgive me for my pushiness.
Forgive me for my fantasies.
Forgive me for the world I built for myself.
For the nutshell I live in.
For the countries I have never visited.
For the trips I took.
For the trips I will never take.
For the sacrifices I made.
For the ones I will never make.

Forgive me for I was ingrate.
Forgive me for I have lost my grace.
Forgive me for I haven't been nice.
For I have given up.
For I have shown the truth at times.
For I have been myself at times.
For I have forgotten who you were at times.

Forgive me for I have ignored you.
For you have ignored me.
Forgive me for I had hoped.
For the hopes came true.
For the truth didn't last.

Forgive me for I was frail.
For I was fragile.
For I am frail.
For I am fragile.

Forgive me for I still have ambitions.
For I still have hopes.
For I yearn.
For I yearn for success.
For I yearn for health.
For I yearn for love.
Forgive me for I will never change.
Forgive me for I want to change.
Forgive me for I can't change.

Forgive me for I have let opportunities slide.
For I haven't made the effort.
For I have made the effort.
For I have stopped making the effort.

Forgive me for I am but human.
For I speak my mind.
For I don't.
For I love.
For I hate.
For I am needy.
For I am greedy.
For I never get enough.

Forgive me for it takes me time to withdraw.
Forgive me for I don't withdraw.
Forgive me for I can't leave my world.
For I take it with me wherever I go.

Forgive me for I want to let go.
Forgive me for I can't.

People in my life, forgive me.
Forgive me for my regrets.
Forgive me for I want to repent.
Forgive me... for I can't.