Something has been driving me wild with curiosity lately. I have been noticing for quite some time now that whenever I am in line to go to the bathroom in a public place, the girl who is using the restroom right before me always smiles at me on her way out to let me in.
What is with the stupid smile ladies?? What is so funny about it? Give me one valid reason for this absurd, and international if I may add, gesture. Is it the smell driving you numb and unable to control your facial expressions or what? God I am grossing myself!
Boys, I am not sure, does this happen with you too? Is it a unisex rule? Are these the internationally approved restroom manners??
As weird as it may sound to you girls, I simply don't - and won't - smile at you on my way out of the restroom. Call me stubborn, but I just don't see the point! People, it is irrational!!
I bet girls reading this article would ask what the hell I am talking about. Ladies, you would deny you do it. But you do, trust me, you do. You just can't help it. You don't notice it perhaps, but that is only because you know it is not rational and there is no proper reason to do it, and so you sincerely believe you are not the kind to do it. But I repeat: You do!! You are probably not aware of it, but do me a favor and next time you want to use a public restroom, please do pay a little more attention to your facial expressions on your way in or out. In in case you are waiting for someone to go out, and out in case there is someone in queue waiting for you to go out. I now realize, after having wrote it, that the previous sentence could be used in a book under the title: Bathroom for dummies, or Bathroom 101. I just felt the need to explain what I meant even though it was obvious. Anyway...
I have no idea what the point of this endless rant is, but I had to rant somewhere, and my blog seemed as good a place as any.
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