I woke up in a good mood today. I had music playing in my head. It was early.
I kept singing in my head till 2:00 p.m. That is when the electricity got cut.
I said a heartfelt thank you in my head to my good friends who bought me an IPod for my birthday. Such a great invention!
The music started blasting in my ears, and for once, I let it lead me to where it wanted.
I caught myself getting up and dancing on the balcony. Alone.
I wondered if anyone could see me from the cracks of the curtains, and if anyone did, what would they think? Not that I care, not today, today is the day of me not caring, but I was just curious.
I don't feel like reading these days. My mind is simply elsewhere. I cannot concentrate.
I was dancing in front of the book, as if to spite it, as if to tell it that I had found something better to do with my time, at least for today.
Today is such a peaceful day. I am catching up with work. I am not eating a lot. I am enjoying privacy.
I miss my privacy. I miss independence, although even for a one day reminder, I recalled how annoying it could be at times, especially since I had to shower in a most primitive way AND using candlelight.
I kept wondering, what if I opened the curtains, would my dream of living a musical come true?
I guess I will never know now, simply because of my cowardice. I am sure 100% of you would - logically - love to assure me that no housewives would come out to their balconies banging on their pots and pans if they saw me dancing, and that no, musicals do not really happen.
But I would like to hold on to the part of me that still finds it in itself to fantasize, to live a little, even if it was only in my head.
Just imagine how nicer the world would be if housewives took a live musical break once per day. What a fantastic lunch break it would be for workers to watch them, and then join them.
I imagine a happier world, a simpler one. A world where you don't have doubts, questions or grieves for just an hour per day. An hour just to shake it on the beat of wonderful melodies.
I forgot to mention I was wearing my pajamas, well technically I am still wearing them, but anyway, and when I caught my reflection on the TV set, I wondered whatever the hell happened to pajama parties. I am not sure if I had ever been to one, but I felt it was a great shame that no one throws those anymore. I would love to go dance my head off in pajamas, just what a blast it would be! How comfy! How refreshing and liberating!
And then when I tried to concentrate on the moves I was making, I noticed that nothing I was doing would ever make sense to anyone since I was the only one hearing the music that made me move this way or that. I imagined yet another great party theme, an IPod party! Oh man are the Apple people going to be grateful to me for throwing such a genius idea towards them! Yeah yeah I know I am babbling, but I do believe I am still drunk, last night's effects mind you.
Did I mention yet that I am now an official fan of white wine? I recently acquired the taste and I loved it. Now it doesn't seem that I can stop sipping it.
The few brain cells I still have left are sending me yet another wonderful idea. What about mixing the two great themes together and having a pajama IPod party?? Wouldn't THAT be something??
Yours truly,
A wine and apple juice addict.