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Friday, January 21, 2011


My trip to Doha was an even bigger failure this time, career wise. Otherwise, it was fairly spectacular. I met an exceptional bunch of people and had a lot of fun with them. I was also pampered in a five stars hotel, although I hated the food there, and everyone knows that food is an essential part of my life.

Small things captured my attention during my stay in Doha. For instance, I realized that rainbows can appear in one's bathroom sink, and if you are the idiot that I am, you could waste over 20 minutes of precious time clumsily grinning over that stupid rainbow. Sometimes, utter nonsense or such meager beauty can make me ridiculously happy...

In Doha I realized that a small Kinder gadget given to me by a dear friend to keep me company can actually entertain the hell out of me for hours on end.

In Souk Wakef, I came to acknowledge the existence of perfume brands other than my habitual Amor Amor. A couple of those were actually smellable. Is that even a word??

Before I discovered those fragrances, I sat across a herd of pigeons, just like I did in Damascus, and watched them for over 2 hours.

In Doha I proved the theory of acne resulting from spicy food.

In Doha I picked up online poker, and as predicted, got hooked and now can't sleep because I am too busy trying to win the virtual money I am so good at losing.

In Doha I came to appreciate my sofa bed and prefer it over the huge hotel bed that broke my bones. It seems I am just not used to fanciness.

In Doha I realized that I don't like to listen to music while surfing the net. I only listen to it in parallel to procrastination in Beirut to block out the extremely loud voice of that coffee shop asshole about whom I had written a previous blog.

In Doha I gave a beggar 5 Riyals before I realized I was in Doha and I am the one supposed to be begging there.

In Doha I yearned again, more arduously, for a place of my own, for independence.

In Doha I discovered the soothing effect of feet lotion.

In Doha I gained loads and loads of self esteem, and I am truly hoping Beirut doesn't take it away from me once again.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

my Egyptian Horoscope; It Turns out I am a Shu... Or a Shoe, not sure

I won the following on a game website, it is stunningly accurate (except for the fitness part), so I thought I should share it.


SHU   26 JANUARY - 24 FEBRUARY ( my birthday is February 19 )

Shu was the god of sunlight and air and as such was represented as a human being with his hieroglyphic sign, a feather, on his head. He was the brother of and consort of the lioness-headed, Tefnut, and is therefore often referred to as one of the 'divine twins'. The Shu person has tremendous creative potential and once their true vocation is realized succeed is virtually guaranteed. Often, however, they are too self-conscious of their failures and ignore their achievements. When in difficulty there is also a strong tendency for Shus to withdraw, occupying themselves with a chosen pursuit which keeps them apart from others.

Shus are true romantics and love to fantasize and reminisce. Many share a marvelous talent to captivate an audience, enlivening conversation by their sheer enthusiasm for romance and adventure. The phrase 'still waters run deep' is often an apt description of the Shu. Indeed, many give the impression that somewhere within their souls there lies a myriad of divine secrets. Shus are natural performers and a flamboyant, dramatic personality never fails to win friends and gain influence. They enjoy a variety of interests and few will remain in the same job or social circumstances for their entire lives. Shus seldom do anything in a conventional style, but lend a showy, theatrical quality to the manifold ventures.

The helpful Shu is a valuable member of any group or team, always eager to offer assistance to associates. They bring fresh ideas and an individual approach with style and panache. Considerate and accommodating, Shus are prepared to lead by example. Shus hate discord and will avoid pointless quarrels at all costs. They much prefer to see those around them happy and content, and will go to great lengths to maintain harmony. They will, however, make a firm stand of behalf of friends, arguing their case with eloquence. Shus share a close affinity with nature coupled with a highly developed spirituality. They are compassionate and considerate and will try to alleviate suffering wherever it is found.

A cheerful temperament makes most relationships easy for Shus and many enjoy considerable popularity. Love of social occasions is usual with much concern for the pleasure and happiness of others. Business capacity is well above average, although partners or colleagues are required to help with sound administration and investments. Most born in this sign have a deep sense of responsibility, generally sharing a conscientious and principled attitude to life.

Many Shus miss vital opportunities due to a hesitant and indecisive attitude. Until proven right or successful, Shus evidence a lack of confidence with too great a dependence on the opinions of others. Extravagance and a love of luxury can create financial problems. Sometimes Shus have unrealistic ideals or aspirations and disappointments are bound to result. There is also a tendency for Shus to be possessive in relationships.

Those born in the sign of the Shu usually have long and graceful limbs. Endowed with a fine bone structure, the face of the Shu is warm and sensual. Their eyes are bright, attentive, and expressive, often with prominent lashes. They are agile, alert, and cultivated. Shu is a sign of elegance. The woman of this cycle seems almost to float or glide as she walks. The Shu man will have a purposeful and determined gait. Most Shu activity is conducted with deliberate and mindful composure: Shus refuse to sprawl or slouch even when relaxed.

The Shu is one of the healthiest signs. Few born in this cycle will suffer from repeated bouts of colds or flu. Indeed, after childhood, viral infections of any kind are rare for Shus. Allergies are the most common complaints of this group. The Shu's highly active immune system can often result in problems as asthma or hay fever. Many Shus suffer skin rashes, so often the consequence of nervous tension. Worry may result in headaches or nausea, particularly if the Shu is in distress.

The practicalities of life do not always fit well with the Shu's imaginative aspirations. Many have an unrealistic attitude to material pursuits and  frequently suffer disappointment due to high expectations of relationships. Shus have wonderful humility and are seldom, if ever, arrogant or vain. Admirable though these qualities are, they may result in too much self-sacrifice and a lack of consideration for their own essential needs. Shus should make a determined effort not to let acquaintances walk all over them. Those born in this sign are sometimes too kind and generous for their own good.

The caring and understanding Shu works well with the underprivileged, the sick, and the elderly. Their sympathetic nature, coupled with a willingness to listen to the problems of others, make counseling, psychology, and social work ideal occupations. Shus are born communicators and anything entailing persuasion or requiring direct customer contact are also apt professions for Shus. Shus share a close affinity with nature and many are suited for work involving agriculture, conservation, and animal welfare. With a natural flair for the dramatic, many Shus excel in careers concerning music, drama, and dance.

An amiable disposition brings the Shu popularity in the workplace. Colleagues can safely place their trust in the Shu. Anything told them in confidence is certain to remain a secret. They also provide a sympathetic ear for problems, and offer a firm shoulder on which to cry. Kind as they are, the accommodating Shu will not be afraid to speak up on behalf of workmates. They will, however, broach any complaint with considerable diplomacy, refusing to be sidetracked by anger or frustration. Shus are diligent and trustworthy workers, capable of intense devotion to duty. They prefer to work in their own way, excelling, so long as they are given ample scope for initiative. They are professionally ambitious, leaving no stone unturned to achieve their objectives. Shus do not work well under pressure, however, with a tendency to become forgetful when stressed.

It is important for the Shu woman to feel good about herself. She will devote much time to her appearance and take great care of her health and fitness. It fills her with horror to think she may not look her best, and will never answer the door to anyone unless she is fully prepared. She even hates her closest friends to visit without warning. The woman of this sign is an elegant dresser. She is not a blind follower of fashion, however, but dresses in a style that suits her. In her opinion, if it does not happen to be the latest trend- so what! She is not the most domesticated of sign: her home will be clean and hygienic but often cluttered and untidy. The Shu woman is one of the most forgetful of any sign, forever mislaying her personal possessions.

The woman in this sign will frequently display an unorthodox attitude towards life and she lives according to her own set of rules and values. However, the Shu woman is always prepared to help those in distress. She is gracious and generous, an excellent listener, and an amiable friend. She cannot abide gossip, however, refusing to continue with a conversation that turns to criticism of anyone not present. She loves company and is the perfect hostess. Indeed, she feels uneasy when alone, except, that is, when she is getting ready to go out- then she must be allowed to prepare in peace.

Like his female counterpart, the Shu man will not seek to be the center of attention. If pressed, however, he will rise to any occasion. Shu men hate inertia; they refuse to be bored under any circumstances and are always searching for new ideas. Once anything becomes routine they look for something else to add to their list of interests. Sometimes they fail to acknowledge their own abilities, lacking faith in their talents and potential. At home the Shu man will often start with a job, such as painting or decorating  or fixing the car, only to leave it unfinished. You can always tell the Shu man's house by a half-mown lawn or an abandoned piece of DIY.

The Shu is a born family man, surrounding his life with love and fellowship. He is one of the most devoted husbands and fathers of any sign, and so long as he has a secure environment to return to each evening he will excel in his chosen profession. He will work confidently with business colleagues and workmates alike, knowing precisely what he wants and how to achieve it. His strength of purpose comes from the knowledge that he is working for the benefit of his family. Indeed, if he were not giving his employers his very best he would feel he was letting them down. The Shu alone is a different matter. The Shu bachelor, for example, is often the most disorganized of any sign.

Shus are patient and tolerant parents. They do not believe in punishment or severe reprimand of any kind. Instead, they will let their children make their own mistakes, confident that it is the most valuable way for their offspring to learn. Shu parents are affectionate and loving and will encourage their young to the full, always giving the best of advice. They like their children to be clean and tidy, however, but are rarely angry if they return home dirty or muddy from play. "Kids will be kids," is usually the motto of the Shu parent.

The Shu is a sprightly and inquisitive child. They are also dreamers and often have invisible childhood friends. Indeed, Shu children will usually talk to themselves more frequently than other signs. That does not mean they do not have real companions: they forge friendships readily and enjoy considerable popularity with other children. They have such vivid imaginations that it is easy for them to create a colorful world of harmless make-believe.

From an early age Shu children are bright, alert, and quick to learn, although they may require encouragement to perform well in school. Provided a subject is presented in a stimulating fashion, however, the Shu child will take to learning with great enthusiasm. It is up to teachers to make lessons interesting enough for the Shu to pay attention.

Shus are special friends, good listeners and entertaining conversationalists, but they must share a common bond or affinity in order to enjoy close friendships. They are easygoing and hate to burden anyone with their own troubles. Shus refuse to judge their acquaintances, maintaining an open mind in most situations. They only have one failing as friends: they always mean to keep in touch with those who have moved away, but never seem to get around to it. Eventually, having failed to phone or write, they may even feel guilty and contact may sadly be lost for good.

Shus sometimes seem to exist in an insular, timeless world: they are always late for appointments, hate to be hurried, and insist on doing everything in their own good time. When working, thinking, or preparing, Shus tend to talk to themselves. They are also garrulous in conversation, forever going off on tangents from the topic being discussed. Strangely enough, this can create a shared sense of reverie, having a remarkably calming influence on those who are anxious, worried, or under stress. One always has the feeling that somehow everything will work out for the best after a chat with a Shu friend.

Many born in the Shu sign are mellow and serene, capable of taking erratic or excitable partners in their stride. They exert a pacifying and calming influence on those in their vicinity. However, Shus are unlikely to be happy in close proximity to those who expect others to join them in a world of frenzied activity. They prefer to look, listen, and learn, offering pertinent advice or comment at their own time or choosing, rather than be swept away with boundless enthusiasm.

The Shu lover is romantic and affectionate although sometimes a little too sentimental. They are open and giving and willingly offer their trust. They allow themselves to be captivated by those who bring adventure to their lives, providing it is not too disruptive. For the Shu to be at their best, they need a stable partner who has a responsible attitude to life. However, for the relationship to be truly successful, their partner must share an imaginative disposition. Moreover, anyone who lacks sensitivity is seldom attracted to those born in the Shu sign.



OSIRIS: Many born in the Shu sign are calm and serene, well able to take the highly charged Osiris in their stride.

THE PHOENIX: The Phoenix gets on best with those who are less active than they. Many born in the Shu sign are calm and serene- at least outwardly. Accordingly, they can exert a positive influence on the Phoenix's impulsive nature.

SHU: The unassuming Shu is usually happy in the company of other Shus. They have many common interests, experience few serious disagreements, and share a deep sense of intuition.

ANUBIS: The Anubis's strong family ties and protective instincts can make them ideal partners for Shus. Shus often look at life from a very different perspective to the Anubis, and their romantic imagination usually aids Anubis's creativity.


AMUN: The Shu is far too sensitive and emotional for the Amun, while the Amun is too overbearing for the Shu. The two signs have little in common, and their outlooks on life differ considerably.

HORUS: The serenity of lifestyle the Shu needs is unlikely to be found in close proximity to the Horus.

SEKHMET: The Sekhmet's energetic mentality is fascinating, though exhausting, to the peace-loving Shu.


THOTH: The Thoth is often attracted to the openness of the Shu, although the Thoth can mentally exhaust the Shu who prefers a more serene lifestyle.

HATHOR: Shus and Hathors both share an interest in the exotic and unusual aspects of life. Close friendships and relationships are possible, although marriage between these two signs can sometimes suffer due to lack of practical considerations.

WADJET: Shus and Wadjets share little in common. However, this can sometimes lead to successful marriages. There is little for them to argue or disagree about.

ISIS: Shus are romantic by nature and may find themselves swept away by Isis panache. The Isis's lifestyle is often too dramatic for the Shu.

THE SPHINX: The openness of the Shu is appreciated by the Sphinx and the Shu is captivated by Sphinx inscrutability. However, he Sphinx can be a little too overbearing for the Shu.

Over the course of the year the Shu can expect the following influences to affect their lives during the separate Egyptian months:

Thoth brings favorable influences to bear on sporting and leisure activities. At social engagements Shus will be in their element. Positive developments in the course of the Shu's life could result from new acquaintances made during this month. This is an especially favorable period for love, romance, and affairs of the heart.

The Shu should be careful not to rush headlong into anything during the cycle of Horus. This month, however, can be an excellent time for the Shu to take a vacation.

Any Shu involved in academic pursuits will find that many achievements are made at this time of year. Shus may find that they are required to learn a new skill in order to obtain the best results from an important enterprise.

During the month of Sekhmet, Shus could experience difficulties in relationships. They will need their own space which others may not be prepared to allow them. The Shu should stand firm and refuse to be manipulated.

The Sphinx is the message bearer for the Shu. Surprise news is likely during the early days of this month.

The Shu's own month is a positive influence for a change. A move of location or occupation is particularly favorable at this time.

The Isis month is a time when Shus appear to have little control over their own affairs. However hard they try, they seem to get nowhere. It is often best for Shus to wait until the Isis month is over before they make important decisions.

The Osiris month can be a time of laborious activity for the Shu. If lingering problems remain unsolved, this may be the time to act. The Shu has an especially practical attitude to life during this month, and is well placed to handle any difficulties that may previously have been avoided.

New ideas and intuitive inspiration can open many doors for the Shu. It is a favorable month for love and romance. Strangely, many Shus meet new partners, get engaged, or even married during an Amun month.

The Shu may find this a somewhat difficult month to handle. Combined, the influences of Hathor and Shu result in unrealistic or impractical enterprises. This is often a period when financial and domestic problems arise, while business affairs may also suffer.

The firebird brings much excitement to the Shu's life. Shus have a deeply romantic temperament and this month brings many opportunities through which romanticism may be channeled.

It is a month when the Shu is especially lucky, particularly concerning ventures of chance. Business endeavors initiated at this time are likely to succeed and great reward is possible.

STONE: Moonstone
TREE: Silver Birch
FOOD: Lychee
HERB: Lemon Balm
COLOR: Purple
INCENSE: White Sandalwood
ANIMAL: Swallow

Eartha Kitt-January 26, Eddie Van Halen-January 26, Ellen Degeneres-January 26, Paul Newman-January 26, Bridget Fonda-January 27, Lewis Carroll-January 27, Joey Fatone-January 28, Nick Carter-January 28, Sarah McLachlan-January 28, Edward Burns-January 29, Heather Graham-January 29, Oprah Winfrey-January 29, Tom Selleck-January 29, Anton Chekov-January 29, Christian Bale-January 30, Gene Hackman-January 30, Phil Collins-January 30, Vanessa Redgrave-January 30, Justin Timberlake-January 31, Boris Yeltsin-February 1, Lisa Marie Presley-February 1, Brandon Lee-February 1, Ayn Rand-February 2, Christie Brinkley-February 2,  Ayn Rand-February 2, Farrah Fawcett-February 2, Elisa Donovan-February 3, Morgan Fairchild-February 3, Alice Cooper-February 4, Natalie Imbruglia-February 4, Jennifer Jason Leigh-February 5, William S. Burroughs-February 5, Bobby Brown-February 5, Bob Marley-February 6, Natalie Cole-February 6, Chris Rock-February 7, Garth Brooks-February 7, Nick Nolte-February 8, Seth Green-February 8, Alice Walker-February 9, Joe Pesci-February 9, Mia Farrow-February 9, Laura Dern-February 10, Jennifer Aniston-February 11, Burt Reynolds-February 12, Christina Ricci-February 12, Judy Blume-February 12, Henry Rollins-February 13, Peter Gabriel-February 13, Gregory Hines-February 14, Chris Farley-February 15, Jane Seymour-February 15, Michael Jordan-February 17, Rene Russo-February 17, Denise Richards-February 17, Paris Hilton-February 17, Cybill Shepherd-February 18, John Travolta-February 18, Matt Dillon-February 18, Molly Ringwald-February 18, Vanna White-February 18, Benicio Del Toro-February 19, Smokey Robinson-February 19, Cindy Crawford-February 20, Ivana Trump-February 20, Kurt Cobain-February 20, Jennifer Love Hewitt-February 21, Alan Rickman-February 21, Drew Barrymore-February 22, Ted Kennedy-February 22, Peter Fonda-February 23, Steve Jobs-February 24

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Smoker's Rant ... In Doha

I have been in Doha for a week or so now, and although I like this city and have enjoyed it the first time around and am enjoying it now as well, the one thing that really bugs me is the non smoking policy all over the Qatari capital.

I have a lot on my mind today and many things weighing on my conscience, but to allude this sense of heaviness, I decided to tackle a subject that even if related to Doha, isn't my biggest problem today: smoking.

I am staying in a fine 5 stars hotel - I am not sure how it acquired all those shiny stars, since the food sucks and I can't smoke - in which the only place I am allowed to smoke is the terrace.

I hate this terrace! Don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful terrace with comfortable chairs, good coffee, the whole nine yards, but it is too damn windy out there!!!

I tell you, and trust me on this one, I am not a light weight girl, I am heavy, real heavy, but apparently not heavy enough to hold myself down on a chair on this terrace!

This morning while trying to have my coffee on the terrace, it occurred to me that smoking itself isn't the cause for death, it is the pneumonia smokers catch on terraces while trying to smoke that is killing them!